Thursday, January 1, 2009

1st day of the year..2009

Started d day wid a cup of coffee..went 2 work as usually..d pay was double today..y not triple?ask boss.."Boss?why our pay wasn't triple today?"

I slept in d store coz was totally EXHAUSTED ...Slept abit late last on phone with a fren,yet..Her sound was baby..

Something wasn't right..

I missed her badly...Dont know y..coz is a new year?missed her voice?just hope 2 c her..n tell her that i missed her..

Dont ask who is her highlighted pink..

Jimmy n I,went dinner at Text ColorLEO's which i found out d food there was not bad..serious.

After d dinner..Jimmy Zai suggested 2 go 2 d amusement sector 2 hav some fun..we tried d Dance Dance Revolution( DDR ).It's superb..

Jimmy?lets dances..

We dance till forget about d time..time past in a second..We forget 2 log out in our outlet n..Boss will b like.."WHY?" The door was locked n we can't get our bag out..too bad..went home without a bag hanging around..

Once again..Happy New Year..AP-7-

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